So, the site has moved from alpha to beta with the new 0.8 release. Will there be an 0.9? Probably not. Instead I’ll be working the items for 0.9 and 1.0 simulatenously. The 1.0 items were just add more publishers, so they’ll just show up with the 0.9 items.

I don’t actually like grouping a bunch of changes together like this, but circumstances have forced me to do so. The Amazon data allowed so many improvements that I just ended up putting them all together.

Major 0.8 Features:

  • Amazon rankings for volumes
  • Popularity scores for volumes and series
  • Source Language for series
  • Prices for Digital, Paperback, and Hardcover
  • Audiobook listings
  • Banning Genres/Tags
  • Account Setup Page (to set banned genres/tags)
  • Top Ranked books
  • Rebuild search filters and pages
  • New Search Filters like First Published, Last Published, and Format
  • Publisher listing and pages
  • A bunch of data cleanup and fixes to import scripts

What’s Left for 1.0?

  • More Publishers
  • Improve publisher calendars and convert main calendar to use the code
  • New Series on RSS
  • Weekly Email
  • Markdown descriptions for series/volumes
  • Genre/Tag standardization
  • Show prices in more places
  • Pull prices from more vendors
  • Automated intake from publishers
  • Review each page for performance and style

Currently, I’m shooting to be at 1.0 in May. Could be earlier, could be later.

After 1.0, I’ll look at opening up contributions as well as Ratings/Reviews on the site, but that’s not a high priority. I’d rather have a site that works well than adding features that will take moderation attention.